As a mainstream Early Years setting we also have the ability to make adjustments to our routine and environment that will help to meet the needs of your child. We are open to including all children and we recognise the importance of working closely with their families so that together we can look for the best way to support their child’s needs.
- How will Moreton Baptist Pre-school know if my child needs extra help?
We recognise that all children are individuals and develop at different stages. All children have a key person who is responsible for their development and who will build a close relationship with both yourselves (parents/carers) and your child. This relationship, along with a system of ongoing observation in session will make us aware of any developmental areas we may feel need additional support.
- What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of your child’s development or care, please speak to your child’s key person. Your Key person will relay any SEN related matters to the setting’s SENCO who will be happy to chat with you.
- How will Pre-school support my child?
We will work closely with you in order to develop individual Early Years Support Plans. Your child’s Key Person and the SENCO will then be responsible for implementing that plan within session. This plan will be reviewed regularly and if your child is not making adequate progress, with your permission, we may feel it necessary to seek advice from outside professionals e.g. Speech and Language therapist, Early Years SEND Officer from the Local Authority, Health Visitor.
- How will your curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
From ongoing observations and discussions with you, we will make adjustments to our routines and environment that will better meet the needs of your child. From our observations and by working together we can plan and support their ‘next steps’ accordingly.
- How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me support their learning?
Your child’s key person will build a strong relationship with both you and your child. Our ongoing observations of all the children and also our knowledge and experience of child development allows us to monitor their learning and plan for their next steps, in line with the EYFS. Your key person will hold face to face appointments with you (where possible) throughout the year. She is also available at the beginning and end of each session to discuss any issues you may have.
- What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Before your child starts at our pre-school they will be invited to attend a settling in session, with yourself/other carers. This allows you both to become familiar with the setting, it also allows us to begin to build relationships with you and your child. You will be asked to complete an ‘all about me’ booklet with your child which will help us to build a whole picture of them as an individual. You will also be asked to complete a medical form which lets us know of any relevant health issues. If your child requires medication during session time this will be discussed and additional paperwork/consent completed. Policies regarding administration of medicines are available on our website and from us. All members of staff have a paediatric first aid certificate and we have a named safeguarding officer. Other members of staff receive regular in-house training and attend local authority courses as appropriate. We also have a named member of staff who is responsible for behavioural issues and she will work with you and the SENCO to support any additional behavioural needs your child may have.
- What specialist services and expertise are available at pre-school or can be accessed by you?
Our SENCO will implement advice and support given by professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists, Early Years SEND team, Educational Psychologists, Community Paediatricians, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists. Over the years, our setting has developed close working relationships and we also have links with the local family centres which are able to offer family support and signpost you to relevant training to support you and your child at home.
- What training have the staff supporting my child with SEND had?
Our SENCO is certified in NCFE CACHE Level 3 Award for Special Educational Needs Coordinators in Early Years Settings. She has attended a number of courses relating to the SEND Code of Practice 2015, Autism Education Trust, Makaton and other courses to support children with a variety of additional needs. She attends regular cluster meetings with other SENCO’s (as provided by the local authority) to share and exchange ideas and to keep up to date with national updates. As a setting, all our staff attend training as appropriate and pass on their knowledge to each other.
- How accessible is your setting?
Our setting is fully wheelchair accessible, the main entrance being approached by a ramp. We have an accessible toilet which has full nappy changing facilities. Where there are language barriers, we will work with MEAS (Minority Ethnic Achievement Service) to overcome communication difficulties as far as possible or we will seek to find our own interpreters.Visual material will be used in session to aid your child’s daily understanding of our routine. Staff are developing the use of Makaton to support all the children within session.
- How will you prepare my child to join your setting, and to transfer to their next?
You and your child will be invited to the setting to familiarise yourselves with both the environment and the staff team, particularly their key person. During this time we will ask you to share information about your child which you think will help us to gain a better picture of them and their individual needs. We will also ask you to fill in relevant personal and medical information. Your child’s settling in period may be extended if we feel this is better for them. If your child attends more than one setting, with your consent we will share your child’s developmental records with them.
When your child is moving on to their next setting we will offer enhanced transition which may include visiting their new school with them. We will also set up a transition meeting with their new school, yourselves and relevant professionals. This will help prepare for transition by, with your consent, sharing relevant paperwork and personal information.
- How are your resources allocated and matched to my child’s needs?
We are a registered charity and our funds are limited, however we will do our best to ensure that your child receives the best support possible. There may be additional funds available from the local authority, we may also be able to borrow equipment from Occupational Therapy or other support services once we know what is required..
- How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
Our SENCO will work closely with the Early Years SEND Team and other professionals to decide how much support your child will need and receive by following the graduated approach. Your child’s key person and SENCO will evaluate the impact of the support through the assess /plan/do/review cycle , tracking your child’s development in line with the EYFS and any additional outcomes which your child is working towards.
If we feel your child needs a certain level of support we may recommend requesting an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment and will support that process.
- Who can I contact for further information?
You will be in close contact with your child’s key person and our SENCO. You may also speak to our manager. If you feel that further professionals need to be involved in your child’s care and learning then we will support you in contacting them. You can also refer to Wirral’s local offer at to see what other services may be available to you. You can also contact Wirral parent partnership at for further independent advice.
- Can staff get extra help from experts outside if they need to?
We are able to contact NHS services and request support/advice as necessary eg training from the specialist allergy nurse, equipment from the Occupational Therapist. You can also contact other services yourself via your GP or Health Visitor.