Management, Administration and Fees

The Pre-school (registered charity 1102143) is part of Moreton Baptist Church and the staff are members of this and other local churches.

The charity trustees are: Rev Andy Frith, Rebekah Cuthill and Jim Laird. The trustees are responsible, with the Pre-school Leader, for all staff appointments. Our administrator and treasurer is Wendy Clements

From April 2023 fees are £5 per hour, £15 for each three hour session.

We accept Tax-Free Childcare.

Fees are payable for children who are not eligible for EYE funding. Fees are payable half-termly, in advance, but please ask if you prefer to pay monthly or weekly. Payment of fees is ideally direct to bank or by cheque. Each term parents receive a statement of the fees due, and when to pay.

Fees continue to be payable if a child is absent. In cases of prolonged absence, parents should consult the Pre-school Leader about fee payment. Each child’s attendance at the group is conditional upon the continued payment of any necessary fees.

Children receive Early Years Entitlement from the term after their third birthday. From this point on children are entitled to 15 free hours per week for the academic terms.  Most families use that as five three hour sessions per week during the academic term. Many families will also be eligible for up to 30 free hours per week, and we work with parents to try to meet their requirements. In deciding who may use extended hours, we have taken the decision to prioritise the older children for extended hours places, which means that over time everyone will be able to use them. Further details on the government scheme are at

Some children are also eligible for Two Year Old Funding which also covers 15 hours per week from the term after they are two. To find out if you qualify please click here to see a full list of who is eligible. You can apply for this funding yourself, or if you prefer we can do it with you at Preschool .

When you accept a Preschool place you agree

  • To inform Preschool if there is a change and you will no longer take the place
  • If fees are payable, to pay them promptly
  • To give half a term notice of leaving, or to pay to the end of the half term

Our Safeguarding policy and Data Protection policy are available to download. Also a current calendar of term dates. For further information, please ask.